Taxplate is the plate which denotes whether the taxpayer does transaction of vatable goods or services or not.
Types of Taxplate:
Green Plate with White Letters : Person registered in VAT and doing transaction of Vatable goods or services
Yellow Plate with Black Letters: Person not registered in VAT and doing transaction of Vatable goods or services and does not exceed the threshold limit.
White Plate with Red Letters: Person not registered in VAT and doing transaction of Vat exempt goods or services.
Size of Taxplate:
Size of Taxplate is 30 Cm length and 10 Cm breadth.
Placement of Taxplate:
Place where it is visible by everyone in the place of transaction of taxpayer.
When Taxplate should be placed?:
Within 7 days of registration.
Punishment For Non Compliance:
Rs.2,000 each for every inspection.